Coordinated Multi-Domain Approach to Injury Management/Recovery Planning - Assessment (Optional)

1 module




This is an assessment for the Coordinated Multi-Domain Approach to Injury Management/Recovery Planning training program.

The Coordinated Multi-Domain Approach to Injury Management/Recovery Planning training program aims to develop the skills and knowledge required to establish, implement and evaluate collaborative practice.

This unit applies to health and community service practitioners who may collaborate on the delivery of services to individual clients, groups of clients, communities or sub-populations. They may work individually with shared clients, together with individual clients or work on projects or programs that address the needs of groups or sub-populations.

Help Desk Support Team

If you require any assistance throughout your studies, do not hesitate to contact the Help Desk Support Team on or (03) 9940 4893 – option 2 for assistance.


There are two assessment tasks for this training program. The assessment tasks have been designed to assess your knowledge and skills to:

  • Incorporate collaboration into your relationships and partnerships
  • Establish and implement collaborative approaches
  • Review and evaluate your collaborative approaches.

The Coordinated Multi Domain Approach to Injury Management/Recovery Planning training program includes the following unit(s) of competency:

  • CHCPRP002 Collaborate in professional practice.

Learner Assessment
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